Saturday, May 30, 2009

Raven's Mighty Words

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by Raven's Wordzzle

This week's ten word challenge will be: parasite, meals on wheels, crows, it's my fault, everything but the kitchen sink, on sale, patriotism, the love of my life, library card, common sense
And for the mini: blackmail, California, stethoscope, postage, crank

Dragon Drivel-A Mega Challenge
While pretending to bring help and light
The government is the parasite
Everything but the kitchen sink
It takes to cover its red ink
Patriotism counts for naught
If by the tax man you get caught
Common sense has long been lost
Nobody cares about the cost
I still have my library card
They left the crab grass in the yard
In California they take that too
And it’s my fault I’m so blue?
They always crank my postage up
Next they’ll take my gold rimmed cup
Soon my house will be up for sale
Payment of government blackmail
It takes no stethoscope to know
There is no heart in laws limbo
Meals on wheels for crows we’ll be
The love of my life and little old me.

Our ten word challenge -Poor Doris
Doris Dragon had a parasite. It was feasting on her left wing and she thinks she got it from the flock of crows. She felt like she was now meals on wheels or to be more exact meals on wings. Over and over she said to , nobody in particular “ It’s my fault . Mother said stay away from crows.”
For the last three days she had tried to get rid of it by hitting it with everything but the kitchen sink. She even tried some parasite spray she had gotten on sale, but nothing worked. Unless she could get rid of it she would miss the big parade tomorrow. It wasn’t that she was unpatriotic, her patriotism was never in doubt, but with that think sucking on her wing she couldn’t fly well.
That’s when George Dragon came. George describes Doris as “the love of my life” and he hated to see her in pain. So he took Dr. John’s library card and went and read all about parasites that attack dragons. He felt that was a common sense thing to do. He discovered she had a blebellied dragon tick which had only one weakness. So he breathed fire on her wing and burned up the tick. Doris now has a slight wing burn but no parasite. She is so relieved.
Warning .Dragons in California with this parasite must travel to another state to remove it as California’s clean air laws will not allow it to be burned there.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Flass 55 and Raven

With a nod to Raven and Quilly
( This week's Raven's words were horrible as usual)

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.

Every week a nice lady named Raven gives us fifteen words and phrases to use in a story. Here we try to use those words and phrases in a flash 55.This week's words are:: parasite, meals on wheels, crows, it's my fault, everything but the kitchen sink, on sale, patriotism, the love of my life, library card, common sense, blackmail, California, stethoscope, postage, crank

Parasite Thomas Crows decided to blackmail me and it’s my fault lacking patriotism and common sense..
Now he wants everything but the kitchen sink, my stethoscope and library card or he will; tell Nancy Crank, the love of my Life, about my California scam, putting the meals on wheels food on sale for postage .

And Now for something completely different. A flash 55 quivel. Something that looks like a poem, uses at least three of Quilly’s words and has five words to a line for eleven lines. Click on the special words for definitions.

A Not very Erotic Quivel

He was a solid niddering
That’s why he was fleeing
So he left his amanuensis
Who liked to really kiss
Her lambition of his feet
Was seen as really neat
No tyro at erotic things
But fraid of wedding rings
A lugent girl she became
When they said his name
Now a statue gaining fame

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Quilly and nidderingt

It is a Quilly day. Time to take Quilly’s three words for the day and write a story. The words are niddering; amanuensis & tyro Click on a word for a definition

The tyro amanuensis was a niddering as far as taking dictation under fire was concerned..

The tyro writer swore his amanuensis to secrecy as to the content of the letter he sent to the General that everyone thought was a niddering.

As I pointed out to my amanuensis the dragon , who was clearly a tyro at flying, was still no niddering and we needed to be careful not to portray her as one.

The tyro DA was not sure if the mob amanuensis was a niddering or just wanted to come clean.

Chief Ican Gettum was no tyro detective nor did the message he received from the Mayor’s amanuensis cause him to act like a niddering.

We invite any of you tyros out there to try writing with Quilly's words. If you have a amanuensis then dictate something. But don't be a niddering. Words are fun.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by Raven's Wordzzle

This Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: albino, trench, marble, assistant, Indian, What's that supposed to mean?, sound first principles, the key thing, moat, curtain
The mini challenge: under the surface, doomed, grand design, temple, aspirin

We dragons decided to try to write poems like a great poets. The assumption is the original poet wanted to say the same thing but had to use Raven's words. So here is our version of "as freedom is a breakfastfood " by e.e. cummings with an apology to cummings

As aspirin is a breakfast food

-long enough and just so long
What's that supposed to mean?
as aspirin is a breakfastfood
or temples are from trenches made

Will moat please the curtain gang
-long enough and just so long
and grand design the key thing be
as albinos into Indians grow

For under the surface is above
and any assistant is just doomed
-long enough and just so long
Then marble break at break of dawn

sound first principles just for you
Arms will be arms but fingers toes
And children age until they're young
-long enough and just so long

E.e. cummings Raven

Our ten word challenge -High Order of Dragons

All of us dragons have decided that we should open the High Order of Dragons to regular people. For too long we have lived as if we were in a marble temple with a moat or at least a trench full of water around it. In fact few people even know about the wonderful High Order of Dragons. Now sound first principles for any organization require a certain openness . This is true even for secret organizations like the High Order of Dragons. The key thing here is to pull back just enough of the curtain so that you will want to go through the highly secret process that gets you in. We think we can do that .
Let us begin with a short history. Long ago before ,even the Indian, Dragons roamed this land. Over all the dragons was the Great and Mighty Albino
Dragon. He and his assistant created the High Order of Dragons as a way to bring honesty and morality to the dragons. You see dragons had lost their way and needed help in being all that they could be.
To create the High Order the albino found a human. The one that you call Dr. John “ May he live forever and he has”. And together they worked out the elaborate rituals that have saved many a dragon and humans from becoming evil.
You may have asked of the term “OrGama” “ What’s that supposed to mean?”
But I am not permitted to tell you that but I am required to say it at the proper times. That and I must always carry a shoelace of the beloved Dr. John. One that has been touched by the High Dragon. Or if one has done really well by the Very High Dragon Itself.
Please consider joining . Seek out a local dragon. Don’t spend another day without a shoe lace. You won’t be sorry.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Flass 55 -Raven-& Quilly

With a nod to Raven and Quilly
( This week's Raven's words were horrible as usual)

Every week a nice lady named Raven gives us fifteen words and phrases to use in a story. Here we try to use those words and phrases in a flash 55.This week's words are: albino, trench, marble, assistant, Indian, What's that supposed to mean?, sound first principles, the key thing, moat, curtain, under the surface, doomed, grand design, temple, aspirin

Based on sound first principles he asked “What's that supposed to mean?”
His albino, assistant, Indian replied “ The key thing is to find the grand design under the surface of the marble temple moat which is just a trench.
Then I’m doomed never to find the curtain of pure gold, he said.
Taking a large aspirin.

And Now for something completely different. A flash 55 quivel. Something that looks like a poem, uses at least three of Quilly’s words and has five words to a line for eleven lines. Click on the special words for definitions.

A rubefacient patch on face
Is really not a disgrace
Divagations are allowed you know
They help the dialogue grow
Senticous as they might seem
Still they advance the theme
Imperfection has a new place
And not in outer space
Phlyarologist I am surely not
I know what he wrought
This is a happy spot.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Quilly Wee

It is a Quilly day. Time to take Quilly’s three words for the day and write a story. The words are rubefacient, senticous, & divagations. Click on a word for a definition

His multiple divagations finally resulted in a rubefacient made from a senticous pear.

The senticous plant used as a rubeficant caused such pain that he made divagations to his original speech.

The dragons senticous tail had rubefacient properties but you would not know it in the report because of the author’s divagations.

The unexpected divigations from the agenda caused his face to become as red as if a rubefacient were used on it or it had been dragged through a senticous bush.

The penalty for divagations from the law was to be beaten with a senticous bush without benefit of a rubefacient.

Our final divigation is to wish Dr. John a Happy Birthday. May there be no senticous fruit in the day and no need for a rubefacient.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Raven's Words

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by Raven's Wordzzle

This Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: Green goddess, shampoo, filibuster, please and thank you, Operation Marigold, throw pillows, up the creek without a paddle, spandex, ubiquitous, wedding ring,
Mini Challenge: Skittles, lamb chops, stingray, chagrin, clever devil

The Hypocrite --- Dragon Drivel- A mega Challenge

The Green Goddess of shampoo
Caused a real hullabaloo
With a ubiquitous TV add
That made the Senator mad.
Though throw pillows carefully placed
the bathers were still disgraced

He fingered his wedding ring
Of family values he did sing
This expert on the filibuster
In the greater Eastern Cluster
Said the spandex swim suit blue
Was too easy to see through
Operation Marigold he began
For the family took a stand

But then much to his chagrin
A clever devil did him in
Up the creek without a paddle
Would the high price lady tattle?
Project Stingray caught him too
Not even a please and thank you
Skittles Vodka on her breath
And perhaps a touch of Meth
Lamb Chops was her name
She had her fleeting fame
But she wasn’t family to him
The senator now so grim.

Our ten word challenge -The Angry Green Goddess

The Green Goddess looked down upon a brown world with a shrinking rain forest and began to cry. She loved the beauty she had created which mankind had destroyed or was destroying without even a please and thank you. As she saw it humans were now almost up the creek without a paddle. They had rejected the initiative of the Senates Operation Marigold and let a single senator filibuster it to death. They continued to use polluting shampoo and laundry soap. They poured CO2 into the air. They covered the land with cement. They cut down tree after tree.
This despite their propensity to have throw pillows with Save the Planet embroidered on them and the ubiquitous spandex swim suits with the same message across the back..
They had treated her creation like a kept woman not worthy of the respect of one with a wedding ring.
What could she do?
Perhaps if she let the oceans rise she could get rid of some of the pesky things. The earth would be better off without them.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Flass 55 and Raven

With a nod to Raven and Quilly
( This week's Raven's words were horrible as usual)

Every week a nice lady named Raven gives us fifteen words and phrases to use in a story. Here we try to use those words and phrases in a flash 55. This week's words are: Green goddess, shampoo, filibuster, please and thank you, Operation Marigold, throw pillows, up the creek without a paddle, spandex, ubiquitous, wedding ring, Skittles, lamb chops, stingray, chagrin, clever devil

Thomas Stingray Skittles, clever devil ,ended up the creek without
a paddle when Operation Marigold failed the ubiquitous Green Goddess of spandex throw pillows
and wedding rings.
Thus without a please and thank you and no time for filibuster she turned him into lamb chops much to his chagrin.
Shampoo could not save him.

And Now for something completely different. A flash 55 quivel. Something that looks like a poem, uses at least three of Quilly’s words and has five words to a line for eleven lines. Click on the special words for definitions.

Ode to a Uxorious Husband

Forget her really great booty
And her trully isangelous beauty
Loving her is no duty
Quiddle away your special time
You glabrous piece of slime
As uxorious as you be
She will never love thee
Her heart belongs to another
Cheating now with your brother
She never did love you
She never has been true

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Quilly Time Again

It is a Quilly day. Time to take Quilly’s three words for the day and write a story. This week the words are quiddle, uxorious, and glabrous . Click on a word for the definition.

The pathetic uxorious human with the glaborus wife was known to quiddle away his time.

The dragon could not understand the uxorious glaborus human and his need to quiddle.

The glaborus dragon loved to quiddle but could never be a uxorious dragon.

“ Don’t quiddle dear” the totally glaborus lady said to her uxorious husband.

The totally uxorious man spread hair remover on his wife’s legs causing them to take on a glaborus appearance as she did nothing but quiddle.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Raven Meets Thomas Hardy

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by Raven's Wordzzle
This Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: gentle spring rain, mammoth, soap opera, worry, bubble gum, garden gate, seizure, of Biblical proportions, paralysis, wrinkles
Mini Challenge: operatic, stuffed animals, anger management, biographical, paint splatters

We dragons decided to try to write poems like a great poets. The assumption is the original poet wanted to say the same thing but had to use Raven's words. So here is our version of The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy with an apology to Hardy

The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy Raven

"O 'Melia, by the garden gate, this does everything crown!
In this gentle Spring rain I should meet you in Town?
And whence such mammoth garments, such prosperi-ty?
O didn't you know I'd been ruined?" said she.

"You left us in tatters, without stuffed animals or socks,
Tired of anger management , and spudding up docks;
And now you've paint splatters and bright feathers three!"
"Yes: that's how we dress when we're ruined," said she.

"At home like a soap opera you said 'thee' and 'thou,'
And made big bubbles with bubble gum; but now
Your talking quite fits 'ee for operatic compa-ny!"
"Some polish is gained with one's ruin," said she.

"Your hands were like paws then, wrinkles and bleak
But now I worry no more of your delicate cheek,
And your biographical story fits any la-dy!"
"We never do work when we're ruined," said she.

"You used to call home-life the paralysis of a dream,
Of Biblical Proportions you would sigh; but at present you seem
To know not of seizure or melancho-ly!"
"True. One's pretty lively when ruined," said she.

"I wish I had feathers, a fine sweeping gown,
And a delicate face, and could strut about Town!"
"My dear -- a raw country girl, such as you be,
Cannot quite expect that. You ain't ruined," said she

Our ten word challenge -Dragon Soap Opera

The dragon channel has a new soap opera.
We bet you didn’t know that.
A dragon soap is a mammoth undertaking almost of Biblical proportions. It is hard to find a dragon that can convey any emotion. The soap requires that the actor be able to portray joy, sadness and hardest of all worry. They found just the right dragon in Seemore H. Wrinkles long time star of dragon movies and now doing his first soap opera.
The new program “ Down by the Garden Gate” begins with our hero, Horse Greenly, running happily through a gentle Spring rain blowing huge bubbles with his bubble gum. Suddenly he has a seizure. You should see Seemore doing the seizure scene. It is just brilliant. The mammoth bubble bursts and he is covered with bubble gum. This of course leads to instant paralysis and the arrival of the arch villain , the mean purple dragon. How they got that color we do not know. Must be a high budget special effect show. Like a good soap opera we won’t know until the next episode if Horse Greenly escapes. Until then we have to worry.
What would we do without the dragon channel?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Flash 55 meets Raven

With a nod to Raven and Quilly
( This week's Raven's words were horrible as usual)

Every week a nice lady named Raven gives us fifteen words and phrases to use in a story. Here we try to use those words and phrases in a flash 55.

A biographical story must include my operatic soap opera about stuffed animals that need anger management because of paint splatters and bubble gum on the garden gate and my fear that the gentle Spring rain turning into a mammoth downpour of biblical proportions will lead to a seizure with paralysis and wrinkles on my body.

And Now for something completely different. A flash 55 quivel. Something that looks like a poem, uses at least three of Quilly’s words and has five words to a line for eleven lines. Because Quilly changed the rules this week each line will now have a Quilly word this week only.

Hitonious is what he said
The fracas left her dead
The volgivagant had his crew
Not mellifluous was his brew
O bacchante yes they were
Their ebullient behavior killed her
With casuistry the lawyer showed
Specious logic dumped a load
Then the perspicacious DA read
Antediluvian evidence they didn’t shred
Anopisthograph with a guilty thread.

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Quillys Wonderful Words

It is a Quilly day. Time to take Quilly’s words and write a story. This week Quilly said use any of the 36 words she has already given us but we had to use at least three. We decided to use four each and there could not be more than two from the same group of three . Click on the word for a definition.

There was a paucity of information concerning the teterrimous volgivagant group that lived on the North end of town in a quondam era.

If there ever was an opprobrious paladin the King’s Knight who entered every sublunary fracas was it

The antediluvian nature of the tenebrous group prevented any comity between them and the ebullient modern group.

The propinquity of the dragon to the zither playing zoilist was the reason the hitonious music stopped.

The dragons sternutation made the ground seem queachy and caused the isangelous lady to hum a mellifluous tune.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Raven's Challenge 61

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by Raven's Wordzzle
This Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: translation, crunchy, cat’s paw, trunk, I love raspberry tarts, global warming, star struck, the midnight ride of Paul Revere, fragile, Spring fever
Mini Challenge: pancakes and syrup, flat tire, mongoose, this place looks like a bordello, first dance

We dragons decided to try to write a poem like a great poet. The assumption is the original poet wanted to say the same thing but had to use Raven's words. So here is our version of The Daffodils by William Wordsworth with an apology to Wordsworth.

The Daffodils
by William Wordsworth Raven

I wandered star struck as a cloud
That floats on high o'er fragile hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of crunchy daffodils;
Beside the trunk, beneath the trees,
The first dance in the breeze.

I love raspberry tarts that shine
With Spring fever on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the translation of a bay:
Global warming saw I at a glance,
Tossing pancakes and syrup in sprightly dance.

The mongoose beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A Poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed--and gazed--but gave little thought
What the midnight ride of Paul Revere brought:

For oft, when on my flat tire I lie
In cat’s paw or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
This place looks like a bordello of daffodils.

Our ten word challenge;

Michael Trunk had come To Hollywood just another star struck college graduate but he had grown up and become the lead translator for odd foreign languages. Today it was his job to supervise the translation of “ The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” into Latvian.
But he had Spring Fever and really wanted to be at the “Cat’s Paw Bakery” where there was a two for one sale on raspberry tarts. “I love raspberry tarts”, he thought. ”They are so fragile and yet so crunchy. I wonder if as global warming continues will there still be raspberries ?”
Several years later A Latvian student asked his teacher why Paul Revere carried a bag of raspberry tarts away from the North Tower.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Flash 55-Bad Raven's words

With a nod to Raven and Quilly
( This week's Raven's words were horrible)

The star struck George Cat’s Paw Mongoose said “this place looks like a Bordello.” Not a place to stage “ The Midnight ride of Paul Revere” “ I Love Raspberry Tarts”. “ Flat Tire at First Dance”, The Crunchy Trunk” or “ Fragile Spring Fever Translation” for the global warming benefit. Quiet “she said “Eat your pancakes and syrup.”


And Now for something completely different. A flash 55 quivel. Something that looks like a poem, uses at least three of Quilly’s words and has five words to a line for eleven lines

The End

Intransigent I’m not at all
Just unhearing to the call
invidious remarks by you made
Ruined plans I once laid
paladin I hoped to be
Once I was really free
The world needs saving true
Just give me a crew
Global Warming gone at last
When it has finally past

Then comes the real blast.

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.