Friday, July 31, 2009

Flash 55 -Money well Spent

With a nod to Raven and Quilly
( This week's Raven's words were less than wonderful -25 words)

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.

Every week a nice lady named Raven gives us fifteen words and phrases to use in a story. Here we try to use those words and phrases in a flash 55.This week's words are:
fair warning, hormones, journalism, philanthropist, burgeoning, running the bulls, saturation, tossed in the towel, whine, indelicate details, hard labor, lurid, quick fix, sizable contributions, trumpet

Money Well Spent
Saturation of sizable contributions by the lurid philanthropist to the burgeoning journalism class guaranteed him fair warning before indelicate details were published .
His sizable hard labor could get a quick fix before the exploits of his hormones at the running the bulls were loudly trumpeted and he tossed in the towel with a loud whine.

And Now for something completely different.
First there is poetry- written well by a few experts.
Then there is poetic drivel- written by many
Then below them all is quivel.
This is a flash 55 quivel.
Something that looks like a poem, uses at least three of Quilly’s words and has five words to a line for eleven lines. Click on the special words for definitions. Please, again, note this is a quivel it does not pretend to be a poem or even poetic drivel.

Morsicant pain it really was
Felt like a thousand jaws
Sevidical comments then he made
To those not making grade
All were guilty of quiddle
For not solving the riddle
Doctors they wanted to be
Their chance was very wee
Where was the promised cure
How long must he endure
Before a cure they secure

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Quilly's Words

It is a Quilly day. Time to take Quilly’s three words for the day and write a story.

Click on the blue highlighted words for definitions.
sevidical; morsicant; veteratorian

I know you consider me to be speaking in a sevidical manner but there is nothing veteratorian about a spell that produces morsicant symptoms

The never veteratorian zoilist made sevidical remarks about the play that produced a moriscant pain in the producer.

The angry dragon withheld his sevidical remarks about Phrog preferring the veteratorian spell causing all Salamanders to experience morsicant pain

The angry politican put aside his ordinarily veteratorian casuistry and used the kind of sevidical language that caused his handlers to have morisicant pain in the side.

To use sevidical or veteratorian remarks is one of those choices that always gives me morsicant pain.

We feel a need to warn you that if you don't begin t One approach to describe the person who smashed into your car and the other for the boss you can't stand.o use Quilly's words on your blog you will begin to feel morsicant pain. The trick is to know when to write in a sevidical manner and when to use a more veteratorian approach.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Raven's Challenge 73

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by Raven's Wordzzle
This Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: riverboat, procrastinaton, drank, demons, invisible, candle, enough, film stars, summer job, computer
For the mini: general demeanor, surprisingly, masked man, reach, standards

A Mega Challenge
A Love that Lasts

He played the Masked Man on the screen
When he was young and lean
He hobnobbed with film stars
Who drove those big fancy cars
Now he was stuck on a riverboat
Barely kept his life afloat
His general demeanor never changed
Though his life was rearranged
His inner demons drove him on
Though the glory days were gone
Enough to get a paycheck now
Yet surprisingly he kept his vow
Hadn’t drank since that night
When they had that awful fight
His procrastination at calling her back
Blew his life right off the track
She died trying to reach him
And he made the promise grim.
The standards by which he tried
To atone for when she died
Summer job or winter same
He kept saying her name
As if invisible she was there
Watching with her loving stare
Holding a candle too his life
Still , still the loving wife
If computer on the internet
He would her address surely get
Tell her how he missed her so
Life goes on so very slow.

The Ten Word Challenge
A Dragon's Work is Never Done

Now that the war with Phrog had ended. The head of the Grand and Elevated Dragon Lodge had more than enough useful; things to do. First of all he needed to send congratulations to the dragons that had become film stars due to their appearance in recent movies. For some of them the movie was just a summer job but in the dragon world they were still a star.
Then he had to deal with the so called riverboat demons who were in reality dragons using their ability to become invisible to terrify people on the Riverboat New Castle. They made candles seem to float in the air and computer keyboards to type out messages like “ This is the end!” and “ You have been warned”.
On the last one a little procrastination might not be a bad thing, he thought. They might just get tired and move on to something else. Otherwise , we could end up with quite a fracas that could damage the Lodge.
Being the Grand Exalted Leader is not and easy task but it does give him access to the dragon elixir. That makes it worth it.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Flash 55- The Nice Crook

With a nod to Raven and Quilly
( This week's Raven's words were wonderful )

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.

Every week a nice lady named Raven gives us fifteen words and phrases to use in a story. Here we try to use those words and phrases in a flash 55.This week's words are:
riverboat, procrastination, drank, demons, invisible, candle, enough, film stars, summer job, computer, general demeanor, surprisingly, masked man, reach, standards

A Nice Crook

For a masked man his general demeanor was surprisingly enough up to normal standards. He had joined the riverboat at Procrastination Junction where would be film stars took summer jobs and drank excessively while chasing their invisible demons.
When he left so did the computer and the ancient candle holder, easy reach for a crook.


And Now for something completely different. A flash 55 quivel. Something that looks like a poem, uses at least three of Quilly’s words and has five words to a line for eleven lines. Click on the special words for definitions. Please note this is a quivel it does not pretend to be a poem or even poetic drivel.

Senator’s Work

The Senator’s oncethmus was designed
To leave us murklins behind
He needed us to misunderstand
And things went as planned
The other party’s acrasia blamed
But he was not ashamed
His assiduity to the detail
Meant he could not fail
At serving you or I
He never made a try
Elected by a big lie.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

MKagic Word Time

It is a Quilly day. Time to take Quilly’s three words for the day and write a story.

Click on the blue highlighted words for definitions.
The words are ;.acrasia; murklins; & oncethmus:

The oncethmus Senator like to keep his constituents murklins concerning his acrasia.

Murklins it is hard to tell an oncethmus donkey from an oncethmus drunk with acrasia.

Acrasia is the sin most often practiced murklins without oncethmus.

Murklins the little boy , always guilty of acrasia, practiced oncethmus until he sounded ;like a donkey.

Murklins of night the howling of the wolves sounded like the oncethmus of the dog pack in their acrasia.

We invite any of you risible readers out there to try writing with Quilly's words. We know to some your writing will seem like donkey oncethmus but you will know the words. Do not use these words in your work place because the boss might think of you as acrasia.. Remember words are fun even murklins.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Raven's Challenge 72

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by Raven's Wordzzle
This Week's Ten Word Challenge will be:
corn pone, delegation, nectarines, happiness, 12 going on 13, prancing horses, magenta, butterflies, fragmentary, arthritis
For the mini challenge: lavender cowboy, over the moon, preparation, zebra, area rug

A Mega Challenge
The Wonder of Youth
When your twelve going on thirteen
Life can seem pretty keen
With prancing horses and butterflies
Area rugs and French fries
Corn pone and county fair
Even saw a zebra there
Nectarines on the back porch
Fireworks put to the torch
Magenta flowers for Grandma Lil
Hope she took her arthritis pill
Delegation to Camp in June
My happiness is over the moon
Lavender cowboys forbidden to see
Might corrupt poor little me
Fragmentary preparation for life to come
But memories they will become.

The Ten Word Challenge
Dragons At War

The Grand and Glorious Society of Knights of the Dragon is now on fragmentary war footing. A delegation has been sent to the Royal Order of Salamanders to make an offer to end the fighting. In exchange for Phrog the dragons promise no more fighting and twelve going on thirteen cases of nectarines.
The problem is that the dragons can’t locate the Salamanders who seem to be in hiding. So far even the magenta butterflies , their best spies, have failed to locate them. The entire dragon network seems to be as effective as prancing horses with arthritis.
Grand Master Fandango was heard muttering “happiness is not a bowl of corn pone but Phrog’s head on a silver platter."

Friday, July 17, 2009

Flash 55 time

With a nod to Raven and Quilly
( This week's Raven's words were rather nice )

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.

Every week a nice lady named Raven gives us fifteen words and phrases to use in a story. Here we try to use those words and phrases in a flash 55.This week's words are:
corn pone, delegation, nectarines, happiness, 12 going on 13, prancing horses, magenta, butterflies, fragmentary, arthritis, lavender cowboy, over the moon, preparation, zebra, area rug

This week the dragons had a slight disagreement and ended up with two flash 55's based on Raven's words. We couldn't decide on which one to publish so we compromised and published both.

When I was twelve going on thirteen happiness consisted of prancing horses, zebras, magenta butterflies ,nectarines and cows going over the moon. That was but fragmentary preparation for life to come. Now life consists of exercises on the area rug for my arthritis followed by delegations of lavender cowboys, corn pone lobbyists, and many others.

My Movies
The prancing horses used in "Lavender Cowboy in Zebra Country" are now twelve going on thirteen years old.The area rug has their picture along with the magenta butterflies used in "Happiness Over the Moon". My arthritis has prevented all but fragmentary preparation on my last film " Corn Pone or Nectarines" leading to much delegation .

And Now for something completely different. A flash 55 quivel. Something that looks like a poem, uses at least three of Quilly’s words and has five words to a line for eleven lines. Click on the special words for definitions. Please note this is a quivel it does not pretend to be a poem or even poetic drivel.
To be a Justice

Volgivagant she used to be
Now she hears their plea
A perspicacious mind is hers
Mindful of those racial slurs
Now in High Court game
They all know her name
Much casuistry in their attack
Would throw her off track
Through it a lady still
Confirmed we know she will
Drama up on the Hill.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Raven's Challenge 71

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by Raven's Wordzzle
This Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: sober, spoilage, knight, laugh and the world laughs with you, peak, blueberries, owl, drugstore, lampshade, keyboard

For the mini challenge: economy, Michael Jackson, ladder, clue, structure

The Mega Challenge as a news release–
New Game coming

The Clue Club Game company is rushing to get a game ready for market that features a dancing Michael Jackson. They want it ready for the peak game season and hope it will be as big a success as its game “Blueberries on a Ladder.” that was the game that every time you completed a level an owl appeared and said “ Laugh and the world laughs with you”. The new game will be designed to run on a number of different structures including a computer being controlled from the keyboard. The dancing will be serious with none of this lampshade on the head table top stuff.
The company also announce that the release of its new game “Sober Knight” will be delayed because of a water leak at the warehouse which caused the spoilage of a large number of cartridges.
The Clue Club sells primarily through economy drugstore outlets.

The Ten Word Challenge
Dragon Revenge

The great and all powerful Grand Master of the Loyal order of Dragons is very angry with the Salamander Lodge. It seems their leader some guy named Phrog has been spreading viscous rumors about dragons. Everybody knows that dragons are pure and sober at all times. One can not believe either Salamander or Knights saying things to the contrary. The dragon motto is laugh and the world laughs you but insult us and we will boil you alone.We understand the Salamanders are having a big Florida convention. Our Florida friends the owls are now watching for Phrog and if they see him they will inform us and we will swoop in and avenge our honor. It would be good if this was at the peak of their convention as they will learn never to insult dragons. When we finish with Phrog no drugstore will be able to put him back together. But now we need to light a candle in the feeding cave and put a glass lampshade over it. We jut received a text message sent from some keyboard that if we don’t hurry the spoilage of our blueberries will be significant.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Flash 55

With a nod to Raven and Quilly
( This week's Raven's words were rather nice )

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.

Every week a nice lady named Raven gives us fifteen words and phrases to use in a story. Here we try to use those words and phrases in a flash 55.This week's words are: sober, spoilage, knight, laugh and the world laughs with you, peak, blueberries, owl, drugstore, lampshade, keyboard, economy, Michael Jackson, ladder, clue, structure.

Scavenger Hunt

A sober Michael Jackson found the economy scavenger hunt clue " laugh and the world laughs with you" on top of a tall ladder and put it with the others , peak blueberries, stuffed owl, decorated lampshade, computer keyboard, knight from a chess set and the miniature drugstore structure hoping there would be no spoilage or loss.


And Now for something completely different. A flash 55 quivel. Something that looks like a poem, uses at least three of Quilly’s words and has five words to a line for eleven lines. Click on the special words for definitions. Please note this is a quivel it does not pretend to be a poem or even poetic drivel.

Ode to Michael Sort Of

Michael Jackson was no paladin,
Such quiddle not for him
Ebullient was how he acted
And many lives he impacted
With assiduity worked his way
Even in areas very gray
Driven by forces inside him
By motives lost or dim
But for now a Saint
Lifted above all earthly taint
Till history a picture paint.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by Raven's Wordzzle

This week's Ten Word Challenge will be: Florida, spit, child bride, operatic, busy, holding pattern, sunflowers, ginger jars, office, superintendent
For the mini challenge: music to my ears, plot, powerful, braggart, super model

A Mega Challenge

Never Never

The child bride was a super model
Her busy career did not dawdle.
No holding pattern for a honeymoon
No Florida trip at least not soon.
Now an operatic add for ginger jars
And a powerful plot to sell new cars
Music to my ears and more money made
Sunflowers for me when bills are paid
No braggart I for she’s the best
She’s been given every test
The office gossip on which I spit
Hints she really wants to quit
I fired the superintendent for saying so
I just can never never let her go.

Our Ten Word Challenge-The Spit Contest

We dragons flew to Florida during the week for the big spit contest. As always when dragons get together there were festivities. The Child Bride dragon opera was performed by the Operatic Dragon Players. This is a very busy opera and was done well but the dragon that played the child bride was only one hundred years old just a bit young for the part. The opera was followed by the Great Feast served on dishes of the Holding pattern. We do love pictures of dragons in flight on our dishes and the Holding company does them so well.. After our usual clam chowder with apples we had sunflowers cooked in ginger jars for dessert. Before we left for home word came from the office of the superintendent that we were the most well behaved group of dragons to come to Florida. Oh! Fandago won the spitting contest.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Flash 55- The Script

With a nod to Raven and Quilly
( This week's Raven's words were rather nice )

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.

Every week a nice lady named Raven gives us fifteen words and phrases to use in a story. Here we try to use those words and phrases in a flash 55.This week's words are:Florida, spit, child bride, operatic, busy, holding pattern, sunflowers, ginger jars, office, superintendent
music to my ears, plot, powerful, braggart, super model


It was music to my ears to hear that the busy plot superintendant had put the child bride script in a holding pattern. I'm not a braggart though I own a powerful Florida office handling publicity for sunflowers, ginger jars, and operatic super models. I read that script and I wouldn't even spit on it.


And Now for something completely different. A flash 55 quivel. Something that looks like a poem, uses at least three of Quilly’s words and has five words to a line for eleven lines. Click on the special words for definitions. Please note this is a quivel it does not pretend to be a poem or even poetic drivel.

Pretty Bad

The paucity of isangelous information
Lead to some hitonious frustration
They arrested the volgivagant youth
Because he acted so uncouth
Bad manners were his sin
But good he was within
Should have arrested the girl
She with the astounding curl
And that mellifluous tiny voice
Could never be detectives choice
But she stole the Royce.